At home Acupuncture Cremorne recommends rice porridge or congee for breakfast. It helps warm the stomach and enhances the metabolism first thing in the morning. The mornings can get cold around Cremorne and Sydney's North Shore. Getting regular acupuncture treatments by a local Cremorne Acupuncturist can benefit your health. As an addition to their treatment I often ask my Acupuncture Patients to eat rice porridge.
Here is a basic recipe for Congee (Rice Porridge)
Use a slow cooker overnight
put 2/3 cup of white rice (or brown)
1/3 cup of sweet rice (see image below)
fill with water about 10 cups or 3/4 full of low cooker
put into bowl in morning with some soy sauce
Other ingredients can be added just before eating these include...
fried egg
sesame oil and seeds
spring onions
shredded chicken
fired onion and ginger.
Rice porridge is easy to digest. It gives also lot of nutrients to the body. I feel so good after eating a bowl of rice porridge.
During covid time in Cremorne Sydney my family having been eating this dish most days per week. We know now that digestive health and immunity are connected.
We enjoy a warm bowl of rice porridge and go for a walk around Cremorne parks and resevres. We enjoy the sunshine and crisp autmun air.
For more information please or to book an acupuncture appointment go to
or phone 0450790038